Corso BibIng

Edizione in inglese del corso BibIng su Moodle   English Edition of the course BibIng on Moodle

Corso BibIng

Con il passaggio al nuovo anno accademico, il corso Bibing: Ricerca bibliografica per l’ingegneria 2022-2023 si arricchisce di una nuova edizione in lingua inglese: Bibing: Bibliographic Search for Engineering.

Questo l'indice del corso, fruibile interamente o selezionando soltanto gli argomenti di interesse:

  • Background knowledge: definitions and basic principles
  • OneSearch: the University Library System’s discovery tool
  • Databases and other resources: the main sources for academic research
  • The Reference management software: some useful tools for managing bibliographies
  • The University Library System’s main services: an overview

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BibIng is now in English on Moodle

The English version of the searching and referencing course by the Engineering librarians is now available on the e-learning platform Moodle.


Starting the new academic year, the course Bibing: Ricerca bibliografica per l’ingegneria 2022-2023 comes in a new version fully translated into English: Bibing: Bibliographic Search for Engineering.

Below you will find the course’s summary. You can attend the whole course as well as single chapters. 

  • Background knowledge: definitions and basic principles
  • OneSearch: the University Library System’s discovery tool
  • Databases and other resources: the main sources for academic research
  • The Reference management software: some useful tools for managing bibliographies
  • The University Library System’s main services: an overview

To register, log in using your Unifi credentials, then choose self enrolment.

For any doubts, remarks and suggestions, email

30 Settembre 2022 (Archiviata)



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